County-wide Quicklinks
Our Mission
· Titus County Juvenile Probation Department shall endeavor to facilitate the rehabilitation and reintegration of juvenile offenders.
· To provide protection for the community, improve public safety, and ensure that offenders are held accountable for their actions and take responsibility for their crimes.
· To ensure that victim rights are afforded and they have an active role in sanctioning offenders.
· To serve the Court by providing viable and restorative supervision to juveniles who come under the Court's jurisdiction.

Juvenile Probation

Brian Clayton

Chief Juvenile Probation Officer

Probation Officers

Eboney Roney
Melissia Roberts
Terri Burden
Arleatheia Hawkins

Data Coordinator

Office Manager

Maribel Campos

Overview of Services

  • Ages of jurisdiction in Texas for juveniles are 10 through 16.
  • Most arrests usually results in a referral to this Department.
  • A Notice of the referral will be sent to the Parents/Guardians/Custodians.
  • The Department will arrange to meet with the Parents/Juvenile.
  • A decision is made on how to best serve the needs of the offender.
  • Deferred Prosecution is determined by the Probation Department and
    the juvenile is place on probation by the Probation Staff.
  • Court has three options regarding disposition of juvenile offenders:
    Court ordered probation while remaining at home
    Placement on probation outside the home
    Commitment to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department
  • Probation may include:
    Community Service Restitution
    Financial Restitution
    Intensive Supervision Programs
    Operation Outreach Program
    Star Program
    Residential Placement
  • Victims Assistance Program provides:
    Victim Impact Kit
    Application For Texas Crime Victims' Compensation from the Office of the Attorney General
    Restitution Verification
    Request for Notification
    Explanation of your rights in the justice process and to provide you with updated information concerning the case, including court dates
  • Juvenile Probation
    100 West First Street, Suite 400
    Mt. Pleasant, Texas 75455
    Phone: (903) 577-6737
    Fax: (903) 577-6740 

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  • Camp County Courthouse
    126 Church Street, Room 103
    Pittsburg, TX 75686

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  • Morris County Courthouse
    500 Broadnax, Suite C
    Daingerfield, TX 75638

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  • Marion County Courthouse
    114 West Austin, Room 104
    Jefferson, TX 75657

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Our Vision
is to be a leader and an active partner with the community in promoting safety and in building productive futures for all youth and to empower youth to choose lawful alternatives to delinquent and incorrigible activities. Our Mission Statement shall guide this vision. The Juvenile Board is the statutory administrative authority of the Juvenile Probation Department and shall evaluate, monitor, and when necessary, recommend modification of all functions.