County-wide Quicklinks
For further information on Hyper-Reach or Titus County Emergency Management follow them on Facebook

Office of Emergency Management

Jerry Ward

Emergency Management Coordinator


Office: (903) 577-6791 Ext 470
Cell:  (903) 285-1212

100 West 1st St. Suite 200

Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455


Sign up for Alerts of Emergencies, Weather, and Updates 

The new emergency alert system will provide rapid notification of hazardous and urgent situations using a mix of telephone calls, text and email messages, and TTY/TDD service. The system can send messages to geographically targeted households in seconds and can simultaneously deliver them to an even broader audience via social media as well as sending messages to most cellular phones in an effected area by providing access to FEMA’s Wireless Emergency Alert System.
Residents of Titus County including cities and communities within Titus County or people who work here are encouraged to enroll by:
1) Texting “alerts” to 430-222-8995
2) Following the link below:
3) Downloading the Hyper-Reach app on your smartphone
4) or Scan QR Code added: One is English and the other is Spanish

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                           English                                                         Spanish