Elections Quicklinks
For November Election completed forms must be postmarked by October, 6 2024.

Voter Registration

"We encourage all eligible residents to check their registrations before the deadline. Planning now will help make casting your ballot easy and efficient." - Michelle Whorton, Elections Administrator

To register, residents can visit the Titus County Elections Office at 110 S. Madison Ave, Ste C Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455 or go online to the Texas Secretary of State's website at www.votetexas.gov for more information and to download a voter registration form. 

To avoid issues on Election Day, make sure to update your voter registration information if you have recently moved or changed names.

If your need additional assistance or have questions about voter registration, please contact the Titus County Elections Office at 903-575-0902 or elections@co.titus.tx.us.